How do you choose the best sash window repair company?

By Sash Windows
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Sash window renovation in Canterbury on a detached period villa

The charm of classic sash windows in older homes can quickly turn into a headache when worn-out ropes, pulleys and weights leave them stuck or draughty. Instead of struggling with DIY repairs or ignoring the problem, consider partnering with a professional sash window repair company.

Experienced professionals have the tools and expertise to diagnose any hidden issues and bring your windows back to smooth functionality. Choosing the right company is key, and this blog will guide you through finding a trusted and experienced repairer to ensure your sash windows regain their timeless elegance and functionality.

What to Look For in a Sash Window Repair Company

When evaluating sash window repair companies, there are a few key indicators you should look for when searching for a reputable contractor. First, it’s important to choose a company dedicated to sash window repairs rather than general window or home repairs. Expertise with the intricacies of double-hung windows is vital for a lasting repair or restoration.

Be sure to look for companies that provide a range of repair options, such as rope replacement, weight rebuilding and reglazing, showcasing their versatility in addressing various sash window problems. The best contractors will also offer warranties covering labour and materials, demonstrating confidence in their work quality.

Lastly, responsive communication throughout the entire process, from initial estimate to job completion, is indicative of great service, signifying that the company is readily available to address any questions or concerns.

Tips for Choosing the Right Company

Get Recommendations from Friends

One of the simplest ways to ensure you hire a quality sash window repair company is to get a personal recommendation from a friend or neighbour who has used their services before. You may know people living on your street who have had repairs carried out on their windows who can advise you on trustworthy companies.

If you use a friend’s recommendation, you’ll have a good benchmark for the quality of work you can expect. If someone you know has had sash window draught proofing done, for instance, you can closely inspect their windows yourself at an unhurried pace. This allows you to verify the standard of work you want is possible by that company.

Verify Their Credentials

An important step when evaluating a sash window company is to verify their credentials, including proper licensing, insurance and worker qualifications. This due diligence goes a long way in ensuring you hire a reputable, professional company. Check that the business is insured, which protects you financially in case of an on-the-job accident or damage to your home.

Ask about any relevant certifications from industry associations and training programmes too. Knowing the technicians have the proper hands-on training gives confidence in the work quality. Taking time upfront to confirm these details shows a company’s commitment to professionalism. A company that readily provides documentation of credentials demonstrates transparency and reputability.

Get Multiple Quotes

When choosing a sash window repair company, it’s always advisable to get written estimates from at least three companies. Comparing multiple quotes allows you to evaluate pricing and service offerings, giving you a better basis for comparison.

When meeting with contractors, provide the same information about the project scope and your sash window restoration. Make sure to get quotes in writing with a detailed breakdown of parts, labour, fees and any additional costs. This will enable you to look for red flags like quotes that seem abnormally high or low compared to others. However, be wary of very lowball bids—there may be quality shortcuts in their workmanship.

Evaluate not just any cost differences but the level of detail and professionalism you experience. Discussing the project with several professionals lends helpful perspective in choosing the right sash window company for your home.


Finding the right sash window repair company is critical for restoring your windows properly. While it takes some diligence, the payoff is enjoying windows that function smoothly and efficiently just as they should. At Sash Window Experts, we operate across the southeast, including Brighton, Tunbridge Wells and Kent. To arrange a repair, replacement or restoration, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

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